Warm Evenings by The Bay

Few things in life are certain.

As children we have this naïve way of looking at our future, but as we grow older all these uncertainties start creeping in; What type of adults will we be? What type of parents? Will we meet the love of our lives and have a family? Explore the world? Get to do what we love for a living?
Non of the above is known. Non are promised to us.

So when we do find the people who make us feel certain of something, oh we should hold on so tight.

Spending an evening with this beautiful trio, it was clear just how much love they share.
It was evident how strong their connection is.

J & M, thank you for allowing me into your bubble, for being present and vulnerable and trusting me to take part in this moment in time x


At Home with The Manobiancos


1st Lap Around The Sun