1st Lap Around The Sun

The first year in your child’s life is so hard to grasp.

They start out so tiny, their body still curled up in the fetal position, eyes barely open. Their sleep cycle is so out of
whack and it seems as though the more tired you are the less chance to sleep you get. They change so much with every passing day and although you know time is moving, so often it feels like the days are never going to end.

Yet somehow, one year passes and you look back and don’t realise how is it possible that the earth has already completed a whole lap around the sun.

In just 12 months they change from that tiny, helpless creature you brought home to an always-on-the-move, cheeky faced, giggle machine and whats more - you realise you are not the same person you once were.

I love it when we take photos to celebrate your first year together as a family. Knowing you made it through the challenges the first year throws at you and made it out the other side.

So on that note, here are some happy faces and golden rays of sun, celebrating M’s first birthday.


Warm Evenings by The Bay


Country living